We Make A Good Matcha

Hello Everyone! 

My friends, they know me as the Matcha QUEEN! You can often find me sipping on this beautiful bright green liquid happiness. I am so passionate about matcha, and start every morning with a big mug! Not only is it delicious, but it is also nutrient dense and health promoting! 

What is Matcha?


You might be wondering, what is the difference between matcha green tea, and regular bags of green tea that you’re steeping and sipping on? There are so many! Not only in health benefits, but also in taste, physical appearance and preparation method! Matcha and the green tea (like Sencha) that you may be used to steeping are both varieties of the Camellia Sinensis, and are unfermented (unlike black or oolong teas). While Matcha is grown in a shadier environment than Sencha, giving it its bright green colour [3]! It is then ground into a fine powder which you whisk up. As a result, you are getting more benefit from matcha because you are consuming the entirety of a stone ground leaf, in contrast with steeping a bag of green tea [3]. This makes a matcha latte a more potent punch of antioxidants! 

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits 

The anti-inflammatory benefits of Matcha are related to the catechin found in matcha called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which may help fight inflammation [4].

Anti-Oxidant Benefits 

Antioxidants are essential for combating free radicals in the body. Free radicals are reactive molecules that can be created in the body or contributed from our environment (for example air pollution, environmental chemicals, cigarette smoke etc) and antioxidants contribute to the protection of cells and tissues from damage from these! one study found that matcha had 137 times more antioxidants present than a low grade variety of of green tea.  [2] Other studies have shown the benefits that green tea possesses against damage done by cholesterol and the prevention of blood clots [5].

Promotes Relaxation and Awareness

A cup of matcha is not only tasty, but also very calming, despite the presence of caffeine. This is due to the presence of L-theanine, a unique amino acid that contributes a calming effect! L-theanine is mentally calming, as well as mood and memory boosting. It also helps combat the effects of caffeine, so you’re left feeling calm and energized, but not burnt out!

Weight Loss Benefits 

The weight loss benefits associated with matcha, may be related to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and metabolic effects. Studies are conflicting relating to its use in weightless, but it has shown promise as a weight loss aid which can help regulate blood sugar and insulin levels [5]. It should be stated that this is not a stand alone protocol for addressing weight loss, but rather a piece of a much larger puzzle. Weight loss is multi-faceted and individual. 

Improved Heart Health

The heart health impact that matcha makes is related to the antioxidant benefits associated with the its intake, as well as its anti-inflammatory benefits! 



[1] van Baak, M.A.; Mariman, E.C.M. Dietary Strategies for Weight Loss Maintenance. Nutrients 2019, 11, 1916.

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14518774



[5] Prescription for Dietary Wellness: Using Foods to Heal Paperback by Phyllis A. Balch CNC 


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