This Puts the “BUCH” in “KOMBUCHA”

Check out this BEAUTIFUL SCOBY!

I bet a few of you are checking out this weird looking blob and wondering what the heck it is and what its doing! That, my friends is a SCOBY. A symbiotic colony of bacteria, and it is responsible for creating the fizzy ferment that is KOMBUCHA! This SCOBY is effectively putting the BOOCH in KOMBUCHA!

There may be a few of you that haven’t heard about kombucha and that is A-ok! I could talk about it for ages! For many it’s a beautiful hidden probiotic gem! I often recommend sipping on kombucha for digestive health, as it is rich in probiotics, live enzymes, antioxidants, and possesses antimicrobial effects [1].

Kombucha has been consumed for hundreds of years. It is a fermented sweet tea that is either green, oolong or black tea based. I love using green tea, because then you get all of the amazing benefits of green tea in there also (check out my blog post on matcha)!

Making my own Kombucha has been such a fun passion project. This fizzy ferment is a staple in my diet for all of its gut health benefits (goooood-bye bloat!).

Making my own Kombucha has been such a fun passion project. This fizzy ferment is a staple in my diet for all of its gut health benefits (goooood-bye bloat!).

Probiotics, what are they good for?

When something contains probiotics, it means that it possesses healthy microbes, bacteria or yeast that are supportive of a healthy gut! Our gut houses over 40 trillion bacteria, and the foods that you eat has a direct influence on the bacterial balance [2].

The evidence regarding the benefits of probiotics is growing, with scientists learning more and more each day!

  • Probiotics are involved in the manufacture of B vitamins which are essential to nervous system health

  • Involved in the production of vitamin K

  • Break down toxins

  • Provide lactase for lactose breakdown

  • Involved in the production of antimicrobial substances

  • Metabolize cholesterol, preventing reabsorption and therefore reducing blood levels

  • Enhance bowel function and elimination

  • Decrease bad breath, acne and other skin problems

I feel out of whack sometimes, could it be connected to my gut??


ABSOLUTELY! Gut health is essential for a healthy foundation, and an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut (which is referred to as gut dysbiosis) is associated with a number of issues, including;

  • ADHD

  • OCD

  • Mood Swings

  • Memory and cognition problems, feeling “spaced out”

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • cravings for sugar and sweets

  • constipation, diarrhea, bloating or abdominal pain

  • hormonal issues, PMS, menstrual irregularities

  • fatigue

  • insomnia

  • Parkinson’s

  • Alzheimer’s

The signs and symptoms of dysbiosis will vary widely depending on the individual and the types of pathogenic organisms involved [3] [4]. Overall, focusing the diet on a variety of probiotic rich foods, will help to introduce these healthy microbes into our intestinal tract!

If any of these symptoms sound like something your dealing with, lets chat! Getting your gut health on track is an essential foundation for overall health!




[3] Karen Jensen, Three Brains.

[4] Dr, Brenda Lessard-Rhead, Nutritional Pathology.


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