Chronic Stress & Adrenal Fatigue

Hello all!

Raise your hand if you are feeling the stress lately!

Does this sound familiar to you?

  • cravings for salt

  • inability to concentrate

  • excessive fatigue

  • waking up at 2 am and not being able to fall back asleep

  • nervousness

  • irritability

  • depression

  • allergies

  • cold hands

  • digestive problems

  • tension headaches

  • craving sweets after meals

These are all symptoms of adrenal fatigue, and though you may have NEVER put them together, stress is a major component!

Stress is defined as the physical, physiological or psychological force that disrupts the state of balance in the body. Did you know that prolonged stress that is not appropriately managed by the body is one MAJOR contributing factor to a LIST of diseases?

Cortisol is a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress.

We need cortisol to regulate blood sugar, blood pressure, and immune system function! It governs your hunger cravings, digestion, sleep/wake patterns, physical activity and ability to deal with stress!

When you encounter a stressor, cortisol mobilizes blood sugar, diverts blood away from digestion and towards the skeletal muscles (helloooo fight or flight response), raises your blood pressure so lots of blood gets to your brain. These are all designed to protect you from imminent danger or physical threats in your external environment.

Now, the problem we have, with modern society, is that this SAME stress response is evoked to EMOTIONAL stress, like dealing with issues of job security, financial concerns, worrying about finding the time in your day to do all of the things that need doing! Your bills aren’t chasing you around like an angry lion, but your cortisol levels would say otherwise!

These chronically high levels of cortisol can contribute to adrenal fatigue.

Chronic stress and associated high cortisol levels can contribute to the following pathophysiological effects.

  • Fat deposition around the abdomen

  • Fluctuating blood sugar levels

  • Mood and brain problems

  • Delayed wound healing

  • Infertility and PCOS

  • Digestive issues

  • Poor sleep quality (waking up at 2:00am and not being able to get back to sleep)

  • Memory

  • Reduction in bone density (especially in menopausal women)

  • Immune system suppression

  • Tension headaches

  • Cardiovascular System issues - high blood pressure, high cholesterol

Stress is unavoidable. It is part of life and not necessarily a bad thing if it isn’t chronic. It is protective, and ideally, infrequent.

NOW, you might be saying to yourself, that is SO me! What do I do next!?

It is not only stress that contributes to adrenal exhaustion. Other factors that you have direct control over are;

  1. Stimulants like caffeine that result in an epinephrine release

  2. High sugar diets

  3. Chronic Alcohol intake

  4. Cigarette Smoking

  5. Drugs

  6. Working long hours under fluorescent lights

  7. Sedentary Lifestyle

  8. Excessive Exercise or Physical Demands

Hormones like cortisol don’t work in a vacuum. There can be numerous factors at play when it comes to healing the adrenals. Every person is biochemically unique, which is why, as a Holistic Nutritionist, I support the progress of my client’s health goals by creating an individualized wellness program, which will include the use of whole, nutrient-dense foods; menu plans; natural source supplements (if applicable); and lifestyle modifications - including stress management techniques. Stress has a larger involvement in your wellness story than you could imagine!

If you would like to dive deeper into your own health story, fill out the form below or book a free 30 minute discovery call by clicking the button below!

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Healing with Nature


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